
We integrate informed financial consent into one streamlined consent process

MedConsenting automatically provides informed financial consent information to your patient as part of the consenting process, removing the need for you to manage it separately.

Informed financial consent is a distinct professional obligation to ensure that patients know the full cost of their in-hospital treatment and how much their out-of-pocket expenses could be.

Informed financial consent obligations

Healthcare professionals are required to inform patients in advance of their procedure:

  • who will be treating them
  • how much each healthcare provider will charge (or provide their contact details so this information can be requested)
  • if they will be required to pay any fees out of their own pocket (eg make a gap payment).

Informed financial consent checklist

Informed financial consent requires that your patient understands:

  • the potential fee for the procedure
  • that there may be fees associated with other healthcare providers in the treatment episode (eg anaesthetists, assistant surgeons, pathologists, radiologists and/or allied health professionals)
  • the potential rebate for the services from Medicare and/or the patient’s private health insurer.

If a healthcare provider engages the services of an assistant during the procedure, then you should inform the patient that:

  • an assistant will be present
  • a fee will be involved, and how this will be billed (either as part of your fees or as a separate bill)

Formalising informed financial consent

To formalise informed financial consent, most professional bodies recommend that:

  • information about fees and charges are provided in writing
  • healthcare providers obtain a signed acknowledgement of receipt of the consent from the patient
  • that patients accept to pay the fees as provided.

Find out more

Read about our launch service for anaesthetists.
Contact us if you have any questions or would like any further information.